Bloemcool Berg en Dal Oupa se Wingerd


Berg en Dal Oupa se Wingerd 
Piekenierskloof, Citrusdal Mountain

The Bloemcool Berg en Dal Oupa se Wingerd makes me question a lot of things about myself. Such as, can I be turned on by a wine? (Um…yes?) Why do I suddenly wish I was on the back of a very muscular man’s horse in a flowy white dress riding through the red hills of a Western? (Romance novels and the whims of my libido??) Why do I feel so internally conflicted with this image? (Because maybe my third-wave feminism hasn’t caught up with my fourth-wave feminism and I don’t have to be held to the realities of inner thigh chafe in my fantasies???). It’s all getting rather hot and steamy in my kitchen, to be honest. Might need to crack a window. 

If the Berg en Dal could be anyone, it would be the hot lumberjack from Instagram, teaching us how to untie our belts with one hand, while grasping our ovaries in the other. Chiseled and problematically sexy in its rugged masculinity.

Oozing cherries, blackberries and the smell of worn brown leather couches complete with matching cigar accoutrement, there’s a meatiness to this wine that makes you want to burrow down like a truffle pig in its densely packed layers. Olive brine, salty liquorice, spicy white pepper, just a hint of fynbos…its all there in one heady pheromone-inducing stroke. In the words of my by now wide-eyed roommate Maia: “This wine is undressing me…” 

Pair with: Yourself. Seriously. That’s all you need.