Catherine Marshall Riesling


Catherine Marshall

Reverberating like the clear ping of a tuning fork, the Catherine Marshall Riesling bursts onto the scene with a new tekkie squeak. Buzzing with the tart zing of limes and the telltale fresh-tube-of-tennis-balls Riesling aroma, this is a wine that struts, whirls and pops. Prickling on the tongue with near painful aliveness, the Catherine Marshall Riesling is a wine able to turn any kitchen into a multi-coloured strobe lit dance floor.

Pair with: Staging your own music video to the entire Jesse Ware That! Feels Good! album, whilst draping yourself around doorframes and across staircase banisters beclad in a long string of pearls for full effect. (Would highly recommend a Thai green curry for post music video recovery — chef’s kiss of a combo.)