Spider Pig Bro/Zay Rosé


Spider Pig Wine 
Bro/Zay Rosé
Western Cape

A couple of months ago, I went to Spider Pig’s warehouse sale, assuring my roommates I would “just buy a bit of wine for the house”. Fast forward a few tastings (read: many, many glasses) and a couple of hours later (read: 2am), a massive bolt of The Fear (a type of fear that only occurs when lying in a horizontal position, usually between 1am-4am, and definitely after four drinks) caused my kidneys to shoot into adrenal overdrive, almost levitating me from the mattress. I made some hasty calculations and desperately scrolled for my latest bank balance, for lo: I had indeed done the thing. The Fear rubbed its hands in glee. While I won’t go into specific figures, I spent the next two days desperately selling off most of the wine I’d bought… and I still had five cases left. Three of which were Spider Pig Bro/Zay Rosé.

So let’s set the scene: 

If James Corden and Chris Pratt had a love child, it would be the Bro/Zay Rosé. It’s a wine that comes with as much peacock energy as it does Peter Pan syndrome… and it’s just so much fun. A full shebang of strawberries and cranberry fruit juice do a little dance on your tastebuds, reminding you equally of rose petals and childhood sweets from the 90s, specifically the foot lollipop you dipped into a packet of sherbet. Then, just when you thought it was a good for good times only kinda guy, that core of salinity just glides on through, reminding you that it will pick you up from the airport any time, just say the word. Yes, it probably gets 10% drunker than it should on a weeknight, and yes, it will probably tie its tie around its head Rambo style, but it will always tell the best jokes at the party, baby. 

Pair with: Dudes playing ultimate frisbee in the park (I’m not entirely sure what ultimate frisbee is exactly, but it sounds precisely like something the Bro/Zay Rosé would commit to 100%, while wearing a matching head and wrist sweatband set). There will be war cries.